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Showing posts from March, 2020

Creative Dates Ideas

3 Steps Strengthen Your Marriage or Relationship... Couples seek out my services when they’re dissatisfied about some aspect of their relationship or marriage. In many instances, small problems have spiraled into larger, complicated ones. (At least the problems feel complicated.) Often, my relationship advice is straightforward and simple, even if the problem appears somewhat convoluted. When a potential solution seems basic, couples often feel hesitant about trying it. If you hold onto the belief that all relationship problems are so complicated that they require a host of arduous instructions or years of expensive couples counseling, you might bypass the easiest fix for your particular troubles.  You can start improving your marriage or relationship right now, even if you’re not having trouble. Incorporate the following three simple steps into the daily life of your relationship. Remember: persistence is key. People often try something and if they don’t see immediate ch...

Cancer Fighting Foods

Top 20 Cancer Fighting Foods Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About... “Let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ~  Hippocrates  Our diet and activity level are the biggest indicators of our health, including our risk for cancer. Food makes us healthy...or sick...and it can heal and  reverse  diseases. A diet high in sugar and processed foods creates inflammation and the perfect environment for cancer. Refined oils and refined carbohydrates are also linked to cancer growth. Luckily, many foods have been proven to prevent and fight cancer. ... You'll hear what they used to maintain their good health for many years longer with NO disfigurement from painful surgeries... NO expensive medical prescriptions... and absolutely NO side effects...! Cancer is found in developed countries while Indigenous people don’t develop the disease. A natural diet, less gluten, less dairy, and moderate exercise makes for much better health and less disease.  ...