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15 Minute Manifestation (Review)

15 Minute Manifestation is a product created by Eddie Sergey. It is a breakthrough personal development product that allows you to literarily reprogram your subconscious mind to allow you to manifest the life of your dreams. If I were to pick up only one personal development product when on a tight budget, I’d definitely choose 15 Minute Manifestation. Simply because it gives me something that other products can’t give.

manifestation 3

Now, let us understand what this product is all about and how does it impact our lives by simply tuning the subconscious portion of our brain.
At one point in my life I was in a complete financial turmoil and my life was in disarray. Neither did I see a way out of it nor did I know what to do.
At this point, you might be thinking that I am just one of the sales guy convincing you to buy this product; but believe me you’d be dead wrong to think this way! For me, it wasn’t even the 15 Minute Manifestation that helped me and put me on the right track in life.
It was a guy named Eddie Sergey.
During the post-recession period, unemployment rate was high. And this led to a substantial cut in wages. I was desperate to do ANYTHING just to earn more for a living. Not to mention that I was already in a cloud of negativity and low energy.
I read many books on law of attraction, took courses on manifestation and personal development. I even took therapist session. Neither the therapist nor the courses were of any use. I got lost without any clue of my dreams or goals.
Then I came across this guy - a multimillionaire entrepreneur who claimed to have cracked the code to communicate with the subconscious mind and bring it in tune with the conscious portion of the brain. Or as he called it, “UPGRADE THE SOFTWARE”.
Eddie used the scientific concepts to correlate our thoughts, and hence our brain to the tiniest of particle, the sub-atomic particle. He devised a technique to focus energy waves around us to create a sense of positivity. He explained how “THE EDITOR” or the subconscious part of the brain limits our abilities and keeps us away from abundance by distracting our attention. And that there is a way to naturally reprogram this subconscious mind to lead us to the natural state of abundance.
But more than that, what impressed me the most was his own story. (you can learn about his personal story from his website). He had a very rough childhood and it was unbelievable how he overcame the hardships of his life through this technique he discovered and developed since he was nine years old.
I will not bore you with the deep research Eddie did on brain science and how he co-created the 15 Minute Manifestation together with a team of NLP and hypnosis experts. The bottom line is that if you are looking for a product to scientifically “re-wire” your subconscious brain, then you can trust 15 minute manifestation where you only have to listen to audio tracks unlike other courses which ask you to do endless writing or read ebooks that bore you to death unnecessarily.
I got to try the first audio track to listen for 15 minutes a day for a week and I must say that those 15 minutes proved to be the greatest investment of my life and I mean it. I could feel the change within the first week and then I began to realize what he used to talk about. I was so motivated by the results that I took the complete course of 21 days.
15 Minute Manifestation is NOT woo-woo, made-up or hocus-pocus nonsense. It is NOT one of those crappy, rehashed, useless junk programs which just deceive people to get their money. Neither is it “Think positive and the world will serve it to you” sort of thing.
15 Minute Manifestation also comes with a 60 days no-questions-asked money back guarantee.
But it does come with some CONS too.
15 Minute Manifestation yields proper results when you follow the course and listen to the audio tracks daily for the entire period of 21 days. You may be able to feel the change earlier but if you believe in overnight results, then there is no such thing as overnight success.
So if you’re one of those individuals who just collects programs and doesn’t do anything with the information inside them, I would advise not to waste your money. This program is for dedicated and serious people only, who TRULY want to improve their lives!
The above are my personal comments. It is not endorsed or approved by 15 Minute Manifestation or Eddie Sergey.

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    15 Minutes Manifestation Summary...

    So how do you move forward and release all the deep thoughts that won't let you go when everything else you've tried has failed?

    This is what I learned and I didn't have to spend hours or years meditating (which, by the way, I had already tried). You don't need to interpret dreams, read countless books on attracting and trying to create vision boards, or pay for expensive seminars (which I also tried).

    I was able to bypass all the time-consuming techniques and go straight to the source: the subconscious.

    • It only takes a few minutes per day.
    • I was able to make "corrections" to my subconscious thought patterns so I rejected the negative thoughts that were deeply ingrained, the thoughts that continued to hide even though I went through all the meditations, mantras, intention and all the rest of the techniques that are popular today.
    • And I was able to form powerful new thoughts that became my reality in the same way that old thoughts did.

    I'm sure you're now asking the same question that I had when I discovered this amazing program:

    How does it work?

    Let me explain it in simple terms.

    15 Minute Manifestation uses theta brain wave technology to bring your brain to the theta state almost instantly. And this is where the magic happens. This is where the subconscious is most receptive to messages.

    You can experience, as I did, vivid images, forgotten memories, and intuition that lead to creative ideas. I experienced information that was apparently beyond what I can receive during my waking hours.

    But I was not asleep and I did not forget the thoughts I had, as is often the case when we dream.

    15 Minute Manifestation is the last tool I ever needed and it only took me 15 minutes a day.

    • There are no long, tedious books to read, no theories to understand, and nothing to memorize.
    • All you need is a pair of headphones.

    Why do you keep holding on to all those destructive subconscious thoughts? The technology is available NOW!

    By using natural theta brain waves, the same waves that occur in sleep and deep meditation, you can reprogram your thoughts to get rid of those that have made you miserable and prevent them from moving on.

    15 Minutes Demonstration is easy and inexpensive (thankfully, because I had already spent a small fortune and a lot of time on books and seminars that didn't work). And the benefits are enormous. There is absolutely no risk because the program comes with a 60 day money back guarantee!

    Don't waste any more valuable time being frustrated because you can't live a life that is in your dreams. Get this program today and find out what I did, that in just 15 minutes a day you can become the person you want to be. It's quick and easy and you'll wonder why you lived so long without it! I know, because I did it!


    The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need To Read: The Missing Key To Finally Tapping Into The Universe And Manifesting Your Desires...

    There’s a reason you keep buying all the books. There’s a reason you keep trying all the programs. And after all you’ve learned and all you’ve done, there’s a reason you still haven’t put the pieces together and used the Law of Attraction to manifest the life you’ve always wanted.

    And it’s not because it doesn’t work. Let’s be clear. The Law of Attraction WORKS. It’s been working this whole time, with absolute precision, right underneath your nose. 

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    Everything you want has been waiting for you. And it wants you just as much. The time to claim it all has finally arrived. 

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    • A clear game plan for using manifestation methods with a level of enthusiasm and consistency that guarantees results.

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