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Yoga For Beginners

What makes the Yoga Burn Booty Challenge effective?

The secret to the effectiveness of the Yoga Burn Booty Challenge lies in the revolutionary 3 step Prime, Activate, Pump method which was developed based on the proven principle of progressive overload. P.A.P is the centerpiece of this unique follow-along from home challenge and is designed to ensure the right exercise is being done, in the right order, for the right amount of time to perfectly target and work the entire booty to the max so that you get the very best results possible out of every single workout. When using the unique 3 step P.A.P method, only your own body weight is required as the sole source of resistance without the need for any gym equipment whatsoever....

Yoga began in India 3,000 to 4,000 years ago. The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit language and means, to join or integrate, or simply union. Yoga started, as far as we know, as part of India's philosophical system, but not everyone practiced yoga, and it has never been a religion.

About 5 million people in the United States do some yoga. Dance and stretching exercise classes usually have parts and pieces that come directly from yoga. If you ever go to a physical therapist, he or she may give you therapeutic exercises that are yoga postures.

There are several types of yoga. The yoga you may have seen on TV or taught at your local Y or an adult education class is called hatha yoga, or physical yoga. Sometimes it's known as the yoga for health. You may also find yoga being taught in a hospital or medical setting. Many health professionals today feel yoga can be part of a treatment plan.

Hatha yoga has three parts: a series of exercises or movements called asana (poses or postures in English), breathing techniques of all kinds, and relaxation.

Do you drag yourself out of bed on Monday mornings, exhausted before you've even begun the week. Or maybe you can't enjoy your evenings, because work drains you of every ounce of energy.

Don't worry, you can boost your energy levels and balance your body with a new form of yoga - dynamic yoga.

Its simplicity and almost instantaneous benefits have made it one of the most fashionable alternative exercises of the new Millennium. Normally known for its relaxation benefits, dynamic yoga can boost your energy levels in just 10 minutes.

It includes some of the most basic yoga postures. You can try each of them individually, or in succession, but none of them should be rushed. However, you should feel the benefits after just ten minutes.

The deep stretches and graceful movements help to unblock energy, improve muscle tone and increase your general stamina. When practiced regularly, say enthusiasts, you will experience improved energy levels, greater sexual vitality and better self-discipline. In the long-term, the breathing and body exercises will help detoxify your mind of tension and strain
, creating calm and an inner peace.

Product Review

Two years ago, an ad came across my Facebook news feed. I decided to take the plunge and order Yoga Burn System for Women. I was able to get started immediately with instant digital access. I found the workouts difficult at first and the more I practised, the stronger I became. Yoga Burn System for Women is a blend of the Ashtanga and Vinyasa styles of yoga and has an aerobic element to it. It is Yoga Burn's most challenging programme and I can attest to that fact!

I have all the Yoga Burn programmes and enjoy each and every one of them. There is so much variety and they really are good value for money. I am a loyal fan for life and I will order any new programme that Zoe makes.

In the long run, Zoe's programmes are far cheaper than attending a class at your gym or fitness centre and they are more convenient. You can fit them into your schedule rather than fitting your schedule into the gym classes!

With the exception of Yoga Burn Monthly, the workouts are 15 minutes long. There is a recommended structure to follow of adding on additional rounds of 15 minutes. You can do one round, two rounds, or three rounds and fit that into your schedule. I feel thoroughly challenged after just one 15-minute round. We all have 15 minutes, right?

She has a winning format and I really like the 15 minute increments. 15 minutes appeals to me because I am a mum and a musician. I can choose to do just 15 minutes, or I can add more rounds. How is that for flexibility?

The Yoga Burn Monthly practices are approximately 30 minutes long and they take you through everything from a warm up to final relaxation. There are six different styles of yoga to learn and practise. Each month brings 12 new practices which are all different from each other. The styles of yoga that are included are: Restorative Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, and Vinyasa Yoga. I can't really say which is my favourite month because I love them all!

I have never had any surprise charges after any of the orders that I placed (I placed orders on five separate occasions). I received all my orders in excellent time and I am an international customer. They say to allow 2-6 weeks for international orders to arrive and in some cases, I had my order within 12 days! You simply cannot beat Yoga Burn for customer service AND for the quality of workout programmes!

Who is The Yoga Burn Booty Challenge For?

The Yoga Booty Challenge is for women between the ages of 18-65 including absolute beginners to fitness, working out and yoga. This challenge can be equally as effective for women that have been into fitness and yoga their whole lives. *Please consult your health care provider before beginning any fitness program.

How it Works

The secret to the success of the Yoga Burn Program lies in what's referred to as Dynamic Sequencing. Dynamic Sequencing is the way in which the yoga burn program teaches you how to properly perform each movement and then continues to adapt and increase the challenge at the precise moment your body starts to get used to the routine. This forces your body to change and adapt, which in turn, helps to build a shapely, feminine body that not only looks better, but feels better too! The unique 3 phase program guides you through a series of different videos that are laid out in a way that will keep your body and mind guessing to ensure you do not get bored, or hit a plateau. Each video is 45 minutes long and can be done anytime, anywhere. You are encouraged to complete three 45 minute videos a week, with the option to complete a bonus video lesson which is provided. It’s highly recommended to fit the bonus video in if you can find the time, as the bonus video is focused on increasing your emotional well being, self-confidence, and overall happiness. I’m sure you’ll agree that confidence and happiness are two of the most attractive attributes a woman can possess. Learn more about Yoga Burn’s 3 phase program below.

Phase 1

Foundational Flow

This phase is called the foundational flow because that is exactly what we will be building: A solid Yoga Foundation. The first four weeks are designed to teach you the foundation of a strong yoga practice and of course, start to shape long, lean muscles while having fun! Both beginners and advanced yoga students can and will benefit from this unique set of sequences. You will learn how to execute proper form and build a strong “mind-body” connection so you can call on the muscles you need once we move into the more challenging videos. This initial foundation is the key to progressing through the next two phases safely and effectively.

Phase 2

Transitional Flow

Phase 2 is dedicated to teaching you how to combine the moves we’ve learned in Phase 1 into a smooth flow that will allow you to burn more calories and get that heart rate up! By now you will be more comfortable with our basic moves, so let’s mix it up and keep your body guessing to force it to adapt and change for the better!! Each video in this phase focuses on large muscles groups. The 3 workout videos are: Upper body, Lower Body, and Core. We will work on our transitions from one pose to the next. Learning how to link poses together feels really good, and allows you to focus on the present moment rather than giving the mind time to wander…it’s like a moving meditation!

Phase 3

Mastery Flow

Get ready to kick it up a notch ladies! It’s time to combine all that we have learned from the past 2 Phases into a scorching hot sequence designed to fire up your metabolism and transform your body in ways you may have never imagined possible with yoga!

The layout of each video is slightly different than the previous videos. There is more repetition of each pose to really encourage the desired muscle to fatigue. Also, you will be guided through a combination of upper and lower body compound movements. These are designed to get the most done in the shortest amount of time, and the muscles we are going to target will help give your body that attractive hourglass shape.

Phase 3 is designed to spice things up, reenergize and reinvigorate your mental focus while fully maximizing your weight loss results.

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What if it doesn't work for me?
That's an easy one. Listen, if you are not completely satisfied with this program or your experience for any reason whatsoever simply send us an email or call us using our toll free number within 60 days of your purchase and you will be issued a no-questions-asked 100% refund within 48 hours. If you purchased the physical version of this program, you may simply return the product anytime within 60 days of your purchase and you'll receive a full, no questions asked refund....

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    Restorative Yoga for Beginners: Gentle Poses for Relaxation and Healing...

    Relax, relieve, restore―a beginner’s path to healing with restorative yoga

    Recovering from an injury, an illness, or just interested in a natural way to relax? Restorative yoga focuses on simple poses in supported positions, encouraging deep relaxation so your mind can enter a peaceful, meditative state.

    Dive in with an introduction to the spiritual origins and rejuvenating benefits of restorative yoga. Find the right position to reduce lower back pain, relieve stress, breathe easier, improve your energy, and even prepare your body for childbirth―all with illustrated instructions to get you into and out of each pose safely and comfortably.

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    • Breath of fresh air―Refresh your vital energy (prana) with breathing exercises and meditations designed to improve your digestion, heart rate, and more. [ Go Here...]

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