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Cinderella Solution Review - Is it the Best Women Weight Loss Program?

There are lots of women that have weight and obesity issue, and this issue is affecting most women in their marriages, lifestyle, and relationships. Plenty of women are not in good shape. There are lots of problems in marriages which comes as a result of weight gain by women. Most women gain weight after marriage as they begin to give birth. And studies have shown that women go through a hormonal transition that makes it difficult for them to lose weight and keep fit. And weight gain sometimes comes as women get older due to a decrease in metabolism. To reduce weight, some women go through all kinds of processes.

How One Woman Discovered The Female Fat-Loss Code Missed By Modern Medicine And Lost 84 Pounds Using A Simple Ritual That Guarantees Shocking Daily Weight Loss....

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Some take different prescriptions, and most times, these things don't work. If you are overweight and you are tired of going through rigorous processes, you need an easy way out; then, the Cinderella solution is just what you need. The Cinderella solution weight loss plan is designed specially to help overweight women reduce weight within a short period. This plan is a product of research to help regulate the natural hormones in the body, such as cortisol, insulin, and estrogen which will help maximize weight loss and reduce fat significantly.

...but compelled her body to initiate a 22-hour-a-day fat burning sequence that grew stronger with each passing day!

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Who designed the Cinderella solution?

The Cinderella solution was created by a woman that has been overweight before and has been in the weight loss business for over ten years. Her name is Cary Donovan. She has been an agent of change in the weight loss process for many years. She discovered that women in countries like Japan, China, and Spain did not suffer weight issues like other women in the rest of the world. 
With careful research, she found the solution to defray weight issues. The answer is what is called the Cinderella solution.

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What is the Cinderella solution?

The Cinderella Solution is a program that is designed to help women reduce weight in 28 days. There are lots of weight reduction programs out there, these other programs usually require rigorous processes, and they may take longer before you begin to see changes. But the Cinderella solution process is less stressful and direct in approach. The program is in two phases: the ignite phase and launch phase. Each of the stages takes 14days to complete.
It involves meal plans that require the combination of certain types of foods. These types of foods, when combined, will create a biochemical reaction that can help with effective weight loss and also reduce fat. From the research of Cary Donavan, it was discovered that women from some parts of the world do eat foods that are high in fat, calories, and carbohydrates, but they did not add weight. After much observation and study, she was able to discover that it was like that not because of the foods they eat, but how they combine these foods. The program process will require a combination of different types of foods, which can be combined with a low impact workout to achieve the targeted goal of weight loss and fat reduction in women. This product is designed to enable women to lose weight in a way that befits them because most men will hit the gym if they want to lose weight, but the Cinderella solution is a more technical approach to losing weight. It is a well-known fact that most women add weight due to lifestyle, family history, and diet. But the Cinderella solution comes with an approach that will defray these factors, and changes will begin to manifest fast.


The program requires 28 days. It is in 2 phases; each of the stages will last for 14 days.
Ignite phase: this is the first stage of the program. It requires that you eat three meals a day. By doing this, you will create the right atmosphere that will regulate the natural hormones in your body to bring about weight loss.
Launch phase: during this phase, you are required to take four meals a day. Each of these meals is designed to combine the unique kinds of foods that are needed to enhance weight loss. To enjoy this stage, you must know that, to get the best result from this program, you must combine the right kinds of food. Which includes:
  • Fish and garlic
  • Greek yogurt and sweet potatoes
  • Apples and chocolate
  • Mint and green tea
  • Ricotta and barnins
When the above foods are combined, they help to enhance your metabolism and also create an atmosphere for weight loss.
The program is available in printable PDF for those that love to read things in print. And it can also be viewed on your phone, iPad, and laptops. There are videos that contain workout plans, and the videos are about 8 to 20 minutes long. These videos are designed for women.

In the end we were left with a streamlined Fat-Loss Master Plan that not only Accelerates results over the first 3 weeks, but creates a metabolic slingshot that speeds up results over the first 3 weeks, but creates a metabolic slingshot that speeds up results throughout the rest of your transformation as well...

Who should buy the Cinderella solution? 

The Cinderella Solution is a program specially designed for women. Women of all ages and races can use the Cinderella solution. A Lot of women are fed up with prescription drugs for weight reduction. Unfortunately, most of these drugs later develop side effects or causes other health complications. The Cinderella Solution is for women that desire to be in shape. If you are fed up with the side effects of several weight loss medications, If you do not wish to wait longer before you begin to see weight loss, go for Cinderella solution. If you are women who do not have time to attend a gym because of your tight schedules, your best option is the Cinderella solution. If you had lost weight before but later gained it back, you should go for the Cinderella solution.

What the program contains.

The program comes with different packages, which are highly beneficial to the user.
1. Cinderella solution main manual: this manual talks about the functions and roles of hormones in the weight loss process. It explains the types of hormones that are responsible for weight loss in women. This manual is divided into four major parts.
  • Part 1: The Program Explained
  • Part 2: Using Your 'Daily Nutrition Blueprint Book'
  • Part 3: Using Your Movement-Sequencing Exercise Guide
  • Part 4: Top 10 Flavor Pairs and Weight Loss Combinations
2. Quick start guide: if you do not want to go through the process from the beginning, this manual will take you directly to the process.
3. Movement sequencing guide; This guide will explain to you the workout part of the guide. Though the work is optional, it is part of the program.
4. Bonus daily nutritional Blueprint: this is a bonus material because it contains the details of every step Cary Donavan took to achieve a weight loss of about 84pounds.
5. Cinderella university book; This book exposes the main agents that cause weight gain and weight loss in women.

Main manual table of contents

The Cinderella Solution manual is loaded with all the vital information that you need. And all the process involved in the weight loss program is well itemized.
 1: Weight Loss from The Inside Out
  • Where and How to Get Started
Chapter 2: Weight Loss Rituals
  • Food Coupling
  • Flavor Pairing
  • Nutrition Timing
  • Slim-Sequencing Exercise
Chapter 3: Ignite and Launch 2-Phase Approach
  • Phase 1: The Ignite Phase
  • Phase 2: The Launch Phase
  • Cycling the Ignite and Launch Phases
  • Chapter 4: Cinderella Tool14 Day Calendars
  • Daily Meal Plans
  • Bonus Recipes
Chapter 5: Macros and Food Pairing Rituals
  • PRIME Proteins
  • ROYAL Fats
  • POWER Carbs
  • ANGEL Carbs
Chapter 6: Meal Timing and Frequency
  • Ignite: 3 Meals Daily
  • Launch: 4 Meals Daily
  • When to Eat
  • Chapter 7: 3-Step Instruction Guide
  • Chapter 8: Ignite and Launch Meal Pairing Legends
  • Chapter 9: Portion Options
  • Chapter 10: Food and Portion Blocks
Some bonuses come with this program. The rewards are:
  1. 21 Day Kickstart Nutrition Guide
  2. The Movement Sequencing Guide

Purchasing the Cinderella solution.

The Cinderella solution costs $37 only. So, if you are worried about cost, the program is not expensive, you can save up money to purchase the Cinderella solution.
Once you make a purchase, you can get access to the system. Then you can log on to the customer page and download all the information directly into your mobile phone, tablet, or computer. You can also access the program online if you do not wish to download it. However, it is better to download it, because it gives you access to the program at all times. You might want to tell someone about the program. This program gives you 60 days money-back guarantee, should incase you are not comfortable with the program. 

Most women are facing weight gain issues, and they do not know how to go about it. The Cinderella solution provides a guide to help women of all ages who have weight issues, loss some weight in a program that takes about 28 days. The Cinderella program is not magic, as it requires patience and consistency. You have to follow the procedures carefully and daily to obtain the desired weight loss. 

But I’ve got good news for you if you are a woman
Who refuses to give up and finally start living
your very own Cinderella Story inside

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    The Complete Guide to the Ketogenic Diet for Women After 50: Useful Tips and 90 Delectable Recipes| 30-Day Keto Meal Plan to Shed Weight, Heal Your Body, and Regain Confidence...

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