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Proven A Weight Loss Supplements

7 second ritual melts 62 pounds of fat

I shared this simple 7 second ritual with one of my clients a couple of month ago.

She had been struggling with her weight pretty much all her life.

And seemed to be stuck in a perpetual limbo of weight loss, weight gain, weight loss, weight gain...

But when she started doing THIS 7 second daily ritual things rapidly changed...

She had fast fat loss from her hips, thighs face and arms.

While enjoying an increase in energy and zest for life.

She also had a youthful glow to her skin that she hadn't seen in years.

Hope this helps you too. I'm confident it will!

Product Information

ProVen is, quite possibly, one of the worlds very best natural weight loss supplements. We’ve taken 20 of the most powerful and highest quality natural ingredients, dosed them all at optimal levels and combined them to create this pioneering formula.


Unlike the vast majority of competitor supplements, the exact quantity of each ingredient in ProVen is clearly listed.

We don’t need to hide behind ‘proprietary blends,’ or any other fancy marketing terms – we're proud that each ingredient in ProVen is appropriately dosed and want to share that with you.

What's more, we ensure that each ingredient is of the absolute highest potency and purity available.

Each bottle contains 60 capsules which is enough for a 1 month supply and are shipped to the customer immediately after purchase from our state of the art warehouse.

“The only pills that target the root cause of stubborn fat”

ProVen Ingredients

NutraVesta ProVen contains a formula made up of over fourteen ingredients, all of them derived from natural sources. Here, we’ll go over each ingredient in ProVen and tell you what exactly they are, where they come from, and why they’re good for you.


Bioflavonoids are compounds that are found in certain fruits, vegetables, and other plants. They’re also referred to as simply “flavonoids.”

Bioflavonoids are known for having potent antioxidant effects. If you’re not familiar with what antioxidants do, they protect your cells from oxidative damage caused by toxic substances called free radicals.

The bioflavonoids in ProVen are sourced from red raspberries, grape and pomegranate seeds, olive leaves, marine pine bark, Graviola, and quercetin.

Green Tea Extract

People everywhere drink green tea for the taste, but green tea extract also has significant health benefits. Like bioflavonoids, green tea extract is an excellent source of antioxidants.

Green tea also has thermogenic properties, meaning it causes your body to produce more heat. It accomplishes this by burning more calories, which is obviously a huge benefit if you’re trying to lose weight.


Beta-glucan is a type of dietary fiber that comes from oat and barley grains. Like all dietary fibers, beta-glucan is excellent for weight-loss purposes for two main reasons.

The first is that when you eat dietary fiber, it binds to molecules of fat in your digestive system. Fiber can’t be digested, so both the fiber and the trapped fat pass through you without being processed.

The second reason is that because fiber can’t be digested, it keeps you feeling full for longer and prevents unwanted hunger pangs.


Turmeric is a popular spice used in many dishes, but it also has many well-known medicinal benefits. This is because turmeric is probably the best food source of curcumin.

Curcumin is also known for being a powerful antioxidant and for having anti-inflammatory effects. However, it’s worth mentioning that curcumin doesn’t have much bioavailability, meaning that your body can’t absorb very much of it on its own.

Essiac Tea Complex

Essiac tea is an herbal tea that is claimed to remove toxins from your body, boost your immune function, and even kill cancer cells.

It originated from the aboriginal peoples of North America as a natural remedy for various illnesses, although there isn’t much hard evidence to back up its purported benefits.

This tea is made from a blend of different herbs, including Indian rhubarb, sheep sorrel, slippery elm, and burdock root.

Mushroom Complex

This mushroom complex consists of a blend of powdered shiitake, reishi, and maitake mushrooms. Together, these mushrooms can lower your cholesterol, help you lose weight, keep your immune system healthy, and even improve your mood.


Arabinogalactan is a starch-like substance that can be found in many types of plants but is found in the highest concentrations in larch trees. This ingredient is actually another type of dietary fiber.

This type of fiber ferments in your intestines, which is beneficial to your digestive health because it can increase the amount of beneficial bacteria in your gut. It’s also commonly used as an immune booster and as a treatment for various illnesses.

Cat’s Claw

Cat’s claw is a vine that grows in tropical parts of Central and South America. It gets its name because its thorns are curved like a cat’s claw.

Indigenous people of the area have used cat’s claw as a natural remedy for thousands of years. It’s been used to treat all sorts of things, from viral infections to peptic ulcers, although its effectiveness at treating these things isn’t really backed up by modern science.


Garlic really needs no introduction. It’s pungent, zesty, and goes great with a ton of different dishes. But it may also have some medicinal benefits.

Garlic is used as a supplement to treat high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and even the common cold. Many studies have been performed on the effects of garlic, although none of them have been large enough in scale to produce truly conclusive results.

Panax Ginseng

Panax ginseng is also known as Asian ginseng. This type of ginseng is known as being more energizing than other types of ginseng.

In general, ginseng is good for you because it has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It can help lower your blood sugar, and it can strengthen your immune system.


Lycopene is a type of pigment that gives fruits like tomatoes and grapefruit their reddish color (and yes, tomatoes are fruits).

While this substance hasn’t been studied too thoroughly, there is some evidence that lycopene has additional medical benefits. It may help to prevent cardiovascular diseases or even cancer.


Selenium is an element that is found in some types of food and also used as a dietary supplement. It’s an essential element for humans because it’s used to make certain proteins.

These specific proteins are vital for a number of biological processes like reproduction, the production of DNA, protection from oxidative damage, and metabolizing your thyroid hormones.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential vitamin for human health. Our bodies can’t produce vitamin C on their own, so we get all of our vitamin C from food sources.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant, and you also need it so that your body can produce other important substances, like collagen and L-carnitine.

Vitamin E

Finally, we have vitamin E. You can find vitamin E in many food sources, either naturally or as an additive.

Like several of the other ingredients used in this supplement, vitamin E is an antioxidant, supports your immune function, and is involved in some of your metabolic processes.

7 Second Daily Ritual Melts Stubborn Fat While You Sleep...

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    The Gabriel Method: The Revolutionary DIET-FREE Way to Totally Transform Your Body...

    Author Jon Gabriel uses his own remarkable transformation—from 409 pounds to 184 pounds—to show the solution to changing the inner belief systems that keep our bodies from thin.

    The pile of recent dieting books is growing faster than the average American's waistline. From the well-known programs that deprive and restrict to ones that rely on juice alone, it seems that everybody has an answer to the growing problem of obesity.

    When Jon Gabriel's life took an unexpected turn, he suddenly was awakened to the marvelous gift that he had been given -- the opportunity to live -- and was disgusted at how he had treated his body. At over four hundred pounds, walking, sleeping, and working was a struggle against gravity, and his life was a constant battle between emotional and physical satiation. He was slowly killing himself with food.

    Like the estimated 58 percent of Americans, and rising numbers in other countries, Jon was trapped in what he came to call the FAT - Famine and Temperature - trap. By studying biochemistry, Gabriel learned that your body has an internal logic that determines how fat or thin you will be at any given time. The way to lose weight is not to struggle or to force yourself to lose weight but to understand this internal logic and work with it so that your body wants to be thinner. When your body wants to be thinner, weight loss is inevitable and becomes automatic and effortless. You simply crave less food, you crave healthier foods, your metabolism speeds up and you become very efficient at burning fat, just like a naturally thin person. And that's the real transformation -- to transform yourself into a naturally thin person, so that you can eat whatever you want whenever you want and still be thin, fit, and vibrantly healthy.

    After reading The Gabriel Method, you will learn:
    -Your body has a reason why it's holding on to weight--and it's not your fault.
    -Fat is a cushion--a protective barrier that our mind believes is helping to protect us.
    -If you can change that belief, you can change your body; Stop the cycle of crash dieting and start eating what you want, when you want it.
    -How to choose healthy, nutritious foods that nourish the cells in your body, not starve them.
    -Delicious shakes and smoothies, and super-power supplements, that can jump start your success.
    -The simple way you can train your mind and body to work with your goal of health, not against it.
    -Eliminate the emotional and mental reasons your body holds on to weight in just 10 minutes a day.

    It certainly worked for Jon; he lost 225 pounds in two-and-a-half years, going from 409 pounds to 184, without suffering, dieting, or anguishing over his body. Unlike most people who lose an extensive amount of weight, his skin tightened up and now is indistinguishable from that of a person who has been healthy his whole life.[ Go Here...]

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