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Back Pain And Sciatica Solution


Product Review

31 million Americans suffer with low back pain.

  • 80% of people with back pain say it keeps them up at night.
  • 35% of people with back pain say they experience less sexual enjoyment.
  • And 20% of Americans have had to make major lifestyle changes such as losing their job, cutting down on hours, or needing to move in with their children because of pain.
  • 72% of people with back pain are using pain medication. And 20% are receiving long-term opioid prescriptions.

The worst part about all of this is that most people will "just deal with it", or spend thousands of dollars looking in the wrong places for relief.

I've never personally seen a "miracle" cure for back pain, but today's article focuses on 5 simple triggers that cause most back pain that can be corrected and, if done properly, stand a good chance to help you get rid of chronic back pain in as little as 7 days.

i. The Back Pain Breakthrough

 What is Back Pain Breakthrough?

Back pain can be a struggle to get through, even for the simplest of injuries. From muscle strain to a slipped disc, this is not the type of pain that anyone wants to let it fester in their body. There are many dangers to allowing this pain to continue, especially when not seen by a doctor. 

In a new online advertisement for Back Pain Breakthrough, a woman named Amy Palmer describes her own struggle, eventually finding a solution with Dr. Steve Young.

How A Humiliating Trip To The Emergency Room Helped Me Discover “Targeted Spinal Release” And End 25 Years Of Low Back Pain...

In this personal story, Amy explains that she was dealing with immense back pain about 25 years ago, leaving her to take many medications and gain substantial amount of weight. Before long, this trigger had even caused damage to her marriage. After taking out solutions like chiropractic care, cortisone injections, massage therapy, and more, Amy found out through her doctor that surgery was the last option available to her.

In the program that Amy discovered, she was able to eliminate back pain within about three weeks of a single movement. The guidance that she found in  Back Pain Breakthrough  has made it possible for her to lose over 20 pounds, focus more at work, and improve her marriage, all thanks to the relief from the pain. The movement used in Back Pain Breakthrough has already been validated by experts, and it can start helping from the first moment is performed.


Back Pain Breakthrough Focuses on explaining to consumers exactly what they’re doing right now to make their back pain worse, and what they can do to make it better. Readers will learn what the Pharmaceutical industry has already done to make a profit from people who consistently deal with pain, opening their eyes to better solutions. Furthermore, with the advanced techniques used, users won’t have to worry about their back pain coming back to haunt them.

The entire program involves step-by-step instructions that can be accessed quickly since the information is available as digital content.

Who is Dr. Steve Young?

According to Amy, Dr. Young is a top back pain expert in Philadelphia who has spent the last 20 years eliminating this discomfort for patients everywhere. The method that he uses includes no injections, pain medications, acupuncture, or even surgery. He has worked with professional athletes to ease their pain, and he has studied alongside some of the top specialists in the world for biomechanics.

Doctor young explains to Amy that the root cause of back pain Is nerve impingement. With more pressure on the spinal nerves, back pain worsens throughout the day at different levels. At times, with too much pressure on the spinal nerve, the vertebrae become pinched. In order to get rid of back pain completely, the vertebrae need to be moved away from the spinal nerve, which is where the iliacus muscle comes in.

The iliacus muscle is overly stimulated for most people in today’s world, and it becomes very tight while in a seated position, progressively becoming tighter and tighter. As this muscle tightens, Dr. Young discovered that the vertebrae are pulled on to the spinal nerve, triggering back pain. To release the tension,  Dr. Young created a technique called targeted spinal release, which takes 5 minutes of the day to perform. Tt is not a deep tissue massage, and it isn’t some expensive physical therapy. Instead, Dr. Young focused on creating a solution that can be performed by any individual by themselves.

Getting Access to Back Pain Breakthrough

The total cost to get access to Back Pain Breakthrough is $37. To amplify the effects of this program and to provide more value, this purchase will also include a copy of Accelerated Healing Techniques. The bonus guide will show users how to customize targeted spinal release to their particular back pain.

Other bonus content includes access to a  personal email address for Dr. Young.

FAQs: Back Pain Breakthrough

What does Back Pain Breakthrough do?

Without the use of drugs or physical therapy, Back Pain Breakthrough educates consumers about their back pain, while also demonstrating how to eliminate it. There is no prescription or doctor’s recommendation required to participate in this program, and the creator states that participants may be able to relieve their pain permanently within 30 days.

Who is this program able to benefit?

Back Pain Breakthrough works for individuals of all ages. The movement is simple and effective enough to work for users up to 80 years old. Fitness level doesn’t matter, and it can even help people who have tried the same things in the past.

What is targeted spinal release?

Targeted spinal release is a movement that users can perform in a matter of five minutes to release the tightness in iliacus muscles. The movement doesn’t require any equipment, doesn’t put stress or strain on the body, and instantly works to relieve pain. The only way to learn how Dr. Young came up with this solution and how to perform it is by purchasing a digital copy of Back Pain Breakthrough.

Are there any monthly fees to continue having access to Back Pain Breakthrough?

Not at all. Users will only have to pay the one-time fee of $37 to get access to the main six-part series, and two bonus guides.

Final Thoughts

Back Pain Breakthrough helps consumers to stop feeling so much pain in their back constantly by teaching them a method that can be done at home. This method works for the busiest of schedules, though every person’s back pain is different. Even though this program is not a substitute for seeing a medical professional, the fact remains that the right kind of care for the spine can make a difference in the pain that an individual experiences.

ii. Back Pain SOS

 Back pain SOS is being all over the internet as there is many Back Pain SOS review that is promising that this program is worth the money and is helping people in getting their back pain fixed. Have you heard about this emerging solution for back pain problems and want to know the truth about this program?

Back Pain SOS  aims in helping people in getting rid of their back pain problems. They believe that they can help you in any type of back pain even if you have this pain for a long time.

It means that this Back Pain SOS book can help you get rid of chronic back pain. which lasts longer than 12 weeks.

There are different exercises included in this Back Pain SOS by Virgil Pruteanu to help people in getting a healthy and pain-free back. There are several bonuses added in this program for free to provide you extra benefits for your health.

There are many features of this program discussed in this Back Pain SOS review, some of which includes:

·        Digital content- The Back Pain SOS download provides fully digital content with PDF and videos for you. You can watch the exercising videos so that you can easily follow the instructions in the video. You can also read the PDF that you get after buying this program from which you can check all the exercise postures and read the instructions. It offers you Back Pain SOS PDF download so that you can easily access the content without any internet connection.

·        Healing techniques- After buying Back Pain SOS by Virgil Pruteanu, you will get a lot of healing techniques for your back pain. There are different exercises available in this program that you can try to get the solution to your chronic Low Back Pain.

·        Refund policy- Another exciting feature is that the creator is ready to refund 100% money if you do not get the desired results after using this program. All will have a question in their mind that Does the Back Pain SOS? By going through this Back Pain SOS review it will be clear for you. And also you can get your refund within 60 days of purchase in case this program does not work for you.


·        Affordable- As per the Back Pain SOS review, it is affordable for everyone as you would need a lot of money if you are going to get treatment for your back pain. On the other hand, you can easily get rid of your chronic back pain by spending a few dollars.

·        Both for men and women – We have seen that there are a lot of programs that are made only for men as there is a slight variation in the anatomy of men and women, but this program is for both of them.

·        For all age groups- Back Pain SOS by Virgil Pruteanu contains exercises that even a 65-year-old person can do. There are little modifications in exercises considering the different age groups suffering from this problem.

·        Easy to understand- It is easy to use and understand as you can watch the video that contains live exercises. You can also check the instructions in the PDF file.


·        Requires efforts- Although all the exercises in this Back Pain SOS DVD are easy to perform there are still some people who want a program that can help them without doing any efforts. This program is not suitable for those as you will have to do some work to get rid of back pain.

The biggest advantage of using this program is that it is created by the person who was suffering from the same problems as you are. You can trust someone who has already defeated his back pain and knows the struggles you face every day with your back pain.

Another advantage is the fact that you do not need to take any type of medicines and the whole process is natural. Back Pain SOS by Virgil Pruteanu will teach you several exercises so that you can get rid of your back naturally without spending your hard-earned money on treatments.

iii. My Back Pain Coach

In this article, we will guide you about My Back Pain Coach Review – Is Ian Hart’s Exercises Scam? which will be very helpful for you.

After working extremely hard and searching for back pain relief programs or alternatives for months I have found a lot of them.

But, most of them don’t really work properly, others are extremely hard to follow and some of them are quite expensive. I was really depressed and stuck with my chronic back pain.


Today we will let you know you about My Back Pain Coach Review: Does Ian Hart Program work or Scam? You can easily decide you

have to get this program or not?

Do you know, back pain can be an unbearable experience? Not least because most of the popular treatment possibilities just don’t work.

Pain medications have an extensive rang side effects you don’t really want. And more troubling then you expect that even have expensive surgery hardly provide satisfying relief.

So don,t be worried about these days because there are so various quite safe and cheap alternatives back pain treatment alternatives out there. But here is one of the important questions that do they really work?

Ian Hart is one of the best and famous author so far in the market who claim to have a more reliable, safe and efficient treatment for back pain. He strongly claims his “Unusual Method” could easily control back pain within just 16 minutes.

In this article, I will be encouraging you to decide whether he deserves the $37 he asks for his apparently incredible program.

My back pain coach consists of the special video course that will surely help you to get rid of your back pain while exercising for a few minutes a day.

These videos are quite simple and easy to follow. And all the movements thought in the programs are truly effective in handling back pain problems.

I love those exercises and I strongly believe that back pain patients will find it really convenient for their pain. In this My Back Pain Coach Review, we will show you about each and every phase of this product.


My back pain coach program is quite simple and easy to follow video course invented by Ian Hart- a former back pain sufferer who succeeded in ultimately saying goodbye to his back problems after many unsuccessful experiments with almost all the famous and well-known back pain treatment possibilities out there.

In this program, he describes the exercises that supported him with his back pain.

The program is not meant to help you to live with pain, it really targets the root of pain for usual healing so that you can get out of your pains and live an absolutely pain-free life.

After getting the products I was quickly offered with two up sells. There were almost related to this program but very targeted at particular circumstances.

One of them was for dealing with my back pain coach Sciatica and Piriformis syndrome, while the other was a plan for the now-infamous-always-sitting problems. Since I didn’t get these upsells, I am not in a situation to reveal what accurately they are.

After skipping both upsell I was able to the training.

So what did I find?

I was impressed by the navigation page. It’s much straight forward.

The main course is about 90 minutes as a whole. It has been divided into 3 particular levels with each level lasting for about half an hour.

Ian Hart recommends that you should take the levels one after the other. He said it would be really excellent to practice level one 3 times a day for 3 weeks before going to the next level.

If you truly want more reliable results, I would suggest you follow all this recommendation. You will have a wonderful experience this way.

On the navigation page, you will get two bonuses.

In the first place, there is a “Start Your Day” program. This bonus is very helpful for people with serious back pain.

This program will encourage you to start your day with less pain. In addition to your back, it affects other joints in your body as well such as your hips, necks, ankles, and shoulders among others.

Even though I did a magnificent following Ian’s recommendation above, I will make an exception here: If your pain is quite unbearable, I strongly believe there’s no harm starting your exercise with this bonus.

The second bonus is consists of the Coaching sessions videos. Ian shows you with much valuable stuff here. He describes you on how to get your abs, increase your back mobility and flexibility among other materials. It also involves warning about mistakes that can tough your existing pain. Our My Back Pain Coach Review will show you what the product is.


Here you can read a wonderful deal from My Back-Pain Coach. First of all, you are going to view how to relieve your back pain is a really effective and natural way.

Also, you can learn how to perform it following only exercised produced by a real live personal trainer, with many certifications under his belt.

All you have to do just watch some videos that would be 16 minutes long-great for us hard-working parents and career people-and then you will see the way to make good health. Moreover, there are only 8 techniques in the whole video, making it much convenient for you.

There are so many videos to analyze in this particular program. The library is very extensive. You just need to follow a three-level of this program. Each level is approximately 30 minutes long. That’s about the time of a primary exercise.

You can view the perfect stuff to do so that your all problems can be solved very smoothly. This would be succeeded through ten coaching session videos in which Ian Hart tells you about particular situations, like “How to Recover Your Back’s Flexibility and Mobility” or “8 Critical Mistakes That Make Your Back Pain More serious.”

You can read about the best time to do this exercises-for example Ian has designed one that should be made at the start of the day. It is named the (spoiler alert!) Start Your Day Program, and it is a full-body system.

You can easily understand how this course gets rid of pain in different areas of the body, like neck, shoulders, and ankles.

So, you will not only get you back on the program but also the different parts of yourself. This is our back pain coach will show you what you will learn from it.


Here you can see our back pain coach pros and cons so that you know if this eBook is perfect for you: –


  • The best part of it has a Money-Back Guarantee. Ian Hart never wants you to be unhappy or unsatisfied in any kind of circumstance. So now You should take the benefit of a 60-day money-back guarantee if you really need it. You are even enabled to keep the course as a gift of appreciation, tells Ian. That is quite a nice policy.
  • Exercises are great for you to follow. The exercises are very convenient and simple to perform. They are not stressful on the body, like weightlifting or cycling. You would feel like you are working out, which will definitely enhance your mood and make you feel much better to take on the day. Your body will come back more strong as it goes through the healing steps. The more you can achieve them, the more helpful it gets.


  • One weird thing is that it comes only an eBook format and all of the videos can be seen on a device like a smartphone, laptop or tablet. So, you may have to face some problems getting this hooked to your TV if you’re the kind that wants it on there. Plus, if you want some physical books, that is not ready.
  • There should be a little bit more text instruction about what do to. Not everybody wants to view a video, and not all of us will be in a situation where you can easily watch the videos upon waking up (say the internet goes down). Therefore, having a manual to connect to might be helpful.

iv. Sciatica SOS

Sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the human body and it runs from the back of the pelvis via the buttock all the way to the legs, ending at the feet. Sciatica is the name given to any type of pain that is caused by compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. Sciatica is more than just a simple pain. When it strikes, it causes debilitating pain that can instantly downgrade the quality of your life. Many people suffering from this condition usually think that a good deep tissue massage can help take the pressure off the sciatic nerve but that is not the case. Sciatica SOS is a comprehensive program that has been designed to help people who are suffering from painful symptoms of sciatica. Sciatica SOS is a holistic program that gives immediate relief to this deadly condition that affects many people. Sciatica SOS is unique because it focuses on natural treatments that have been tested and clinically proven to work. This means that every single advice that this program gives is backed by scientific research.


About the author

Sciatica SOS has been created by Glen Johnson, a renowned health advisor and author. He was also a sufferer of sciatica in his early 40s. He says he was among the first people to be diagnosed with this rare but painful condition. Just like any other American, he tried various medications but all did not work for him. In fact, he tried multiple treatments but things got worse. For two years Glen depended on his wife and son for mobility. He was not able to do even simple things like playing and bonding with his son. However, he was determined to overcome this painful condition and that is when he decided to look for alternative methods to stop this condition. One day, his wife introduced him to a Nepalese healer who gave him herbal supplement that changed his life forever. Upon taking the herbal supplement, he immediately felt a soothing effect. He followed all instructions given by the Nepalese healer and within a week, he was completely free of the pain that he suffered continuously for 2 years. He decided to share this amazing treatment procedure to other people suffering from this painful condition get instant relief.

What Sciatica SOS contains

After successfully overcoming sciatica, Glen decided to get back to work to conduct extensive research to come up with a comprehensive program to help them reverse sciatica. According to Glen, this program contains 4 crucial components they include:

·        Home remedies

Here, you will get to learn about 7 types of foods that are natural and nutritious that will help speed up the healing process as well as ease up the level of pain.

·        Exercise program

The author has clearly explained the types of exercises that you need to integrate to your daily workouts to help speed up the recovery process. The other has included over 32 exercises.

·        Sleep therapy

According to Glen, sleep is very important but it is often overlooked by many. Glen emphasizes on the importance of getting enough sleep and even explained the best sleeping positions that will help speed up the recovery process.

·        Diet

The author have explained simple but effective alterations that you can make on your diet to help boost your immune system to enable your body fight sciatica symptoms as well as prevent sciatica from returning.

Sciatica SOS emphasizes the causes of sciatica is not based on a specific thing as many people think. Instead, he has pointed out that this condition is caused by a series of symptoms that he has outline clearly on the program. Unlike many other programs that focuses more on medical solutions, Sciatica SOS has put more emphasizes on exercises that can help support and strengthen your skeletal system, strengthen your body balance as well as align your muscles more. This is very important because it gives you power over your illness as opposed to making the illness have the power over you. All set of exercises that has been recommend in Sciatica SOS are designed to be to be carried in a systematic manner in order to help you get the desired result. Specific supplements and foods that the author has recommended will help ease the pain and inflammation caused by this condition.

Benefits of Sciatica SOS

·        It provides lifestyle changes

Sciatica SOS not only provides concrete solutions to help you reverse this condition permanently, it also advise people some alterations that they need to make on their life in order to live a healthy and happy life. It has recommended exercises and foods that you need to include in your diet to not only help eliminate this condition once and for all but to help you live a healthy and fulfilling life.

·        It is comprehensive program that uses scientifically researched methods

All methods that this program contains is based on scientific research that was carried out in Nepal. You don’t have to worry that the tips given are based on guesswork or personal opinion as it is usually the case with other programs. All techniques given are based on studies that has been tested and proven to work

·        Fast and effective results

Unlike the past, nowadays most people want quick results and that is exactly what Sciatica SOS delivers. In a period of less than 7 days, you will start seeing effective results that you have been looking for a long period of time. Sciatica SOS offer quicker results than waiting a doctor’s appointment.

*Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.

·        Written in a friendly and easy to read tone

The author does not have any medical background. However, that does not mean that the information that this program contains is not backed by scientific research and studies. He has tried his best to explain in simple language that people can easily understand and implement.

·        60 day money back guarantee

You will be given 60 days to decide if the program works for you or not. This means that if it fails to meet your expectations, you can return it and get full refund.

In conclusion, if you are looking for simple but effective way to treat sciatica, Sciatica SOS will give you the solution for that are looking for. The author has given information that has been proven to give quality result within a very short period of time.

v. Relief Sciatica Naturally

 Treat sciatica now is the reliable source of information about the cure and treatment of sciatica naturally in 7 days. The major cause of sciatica is the compression of lumbar nerves L4 or L5 or sacral nerves. In this site you will find easy way to cure of sciatica just in seven days in which you have to devote only eight minutes in a day to get fully treated from sciatica. If you do not have effective treatment of the sciatica, you can experience numbness or tingling in the leg aching in the thigh area or buttock. Common treatment of sciatica recommended by doctors is invasive surgery and meditation therapy. But these kinds of treatment provide you temporary relief from the sciatica pain, as you stop uses these drugs, you can feel the pain again.

While visiting Treat sciatica now site, you will find the effective sciatic treatment that will not force you to use any physiotherapy treatment or drugs. You will find a natural way of treating sciatica in just few days. It is not less than a magic for the patient of sciatica who faces constant pain and pass through serious methods of treatments suggested by doctors. Treat sciatica now provides you fast, effective, safe simple and natural treatment method for you relief of sciatica pain.

Treats sciatica now site provide you an e book named as Treat Sciatica NOW that contains fantastic and sound method for sciatica treatment. Treat sciatica now is the secure site to pay for the sciatic treatment as it also offer you money back guarantee of 60 days if you do not satisfied with this product. You cannot find such handsome and secure offer in other sites and sources. If you go to any doctor, physiotherapist and chiropractors for sciatica treatment, they will not give your large amount of money back in case of failure in their method of treatment.

You can also get Treat Sciatica NOW in cost effective price of just 36$ dollar which is indeed a special offer for customers in these days. If you really feel trouble due to the pain of sciatica, you must not waste your time, just visit the Treat sciatica now now and get yourself free from this disease within 7 days.

More Tips on Back Pain Solution

Eight out of every 10 people will have back pain at one point or another. While a percentage of those are due to traumatic injury or a congenital condition, most back pain is due to overuse of weak, deconditioned muscles. The good news is that this means much back pain is preventable. These five simple tips will help you prevent that nagging back pain, or avoid it altogether if you are lucky enough not to suffer from it now.

Strategy 1: Proper Lifting Technique Don't try to lift objects too heavy for you, and always use proper lifting technique. You want to lift with your legs and not your back, as your legs are much stronger. Make sure you pull in your stomach muscles and keep your upper body straight, without bending at the waist or rounding your lower back. Try not to look down as this can cause your shoulders to round forward. Keep the object as close to your body as possible, and do not twist when lifting.

 Strategy 2: Good Sitting PostureSit in a chair with good lumbar support and proper position and height for the task. Keep your shoulders back. Monitor your sitting position often and periodically walk around the office or gently stretch muscles to relieve tension. Do this by standing, placing the palms of your hands on your lower back, and bending back slightly, looking at the ceiling as you exhale.You can purchase a lumbar support to place on your chair, or a pillow or rolled-up towel placed behind the small of your back can provide some lumbar support. If you must sit for a long period of time, rest your feet on a low stool or a stack of books.When sitting, try to avoid sofas and chairs with thick cushioning as these can force your lower back out of line. Don't sit with your hips out in front of your shoulders, as this will cause you to round your lower back which can lead to back pain.

Strategy 3: Adjust Your Sleeping Position Sleep on your side, and to reduce any curve in your spine place a pillow between your knees. This will keep your top leg from pulling your pelvis out of line, which in turn causes your spine to be out of line. If you sleep on your back, place a pillow underneath your knees. Avoid sleeping on your stomach, and always sleep on a firm surface.You spend almost a third of your life asleep, so your mattress is not a purchase you want to make solely based on price. The right sleeping surface can make a world of difference in how your back feels every day.

 Strategy 4: Quit Smoking If you smoke, quit. Most people don't realize this, but smoking reduces blood flow to the lower spine and causes the spinal discs to degenerate. Not that you really needed another reason to quit smoking...

 Strategy 5: Strengthen Your Core MusclesAs I said, most back pain is caused by weakened and deconditioned core (abs and back) muscles. Correcting this can do wonders, and is easier than most people think. 


Core exercises such as those contained in my program "A Healthy Back in Ten Minutes a Day" can be done without any equipment, and can be done anywhere. And, a routine of core-strengthening exercises such as Planks, Side Bridges, Back Extensions, and others can easily be added to your existing exercise program, or done by themselves in less time than it takes to read the daily paper. Of course, following any period of prolonged inactivity, you must begin any exercise or fitness program slowly, and only after consulting with your primary health care provider. If you have any known medical condition or take any medications, it is imperative that you check with your doctor prior to making changes in your activity level.

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    1. This is great information! The iliacus goes without acknowledgement far too often. I learned so much from the book about how tight hip flexors can be to blame for pain up and down the body.


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